Photo: TCR Media

Stefano Comini furious about Morbidelli incident, may not finish the season

Stefano Comini was one of the main protagonists of today’s exciting races in Monza, Italy. The Swiss driver, who lives just 40 miles from the legendary Temple of Speed, took on two spectacular races in his Target Competition SEAT León Racer.

The Swiss confessed in an interview with TouringCarTimes he may not finish the championship due to budget issues. An accident with Gianni Morbidelli left the Target Competition driver fuming, as the WestCoast Racing driver received no penalties after having made contact twice with Comini.

“I think I did a great show,” said Comini to TouringCarTimes. “I went from last to first and I am sure I would have finished there, had Morbidelli not touched me and sent me off the track. He did it like a coward, because he could not pass me in a correct way. I’m really sorry, but that was deliberate in my opinion. I was also on the outside, he had enough room to do the corner, and yet he hit me.”

Comini also said a great move he had made during a three-way fight was almost ruined by another contact with the Honda driver: “I had the courage to brake as late as possible, and he (Morbidelli) tapped me into cutting the chicane. I think I proved that between us two I am the strongest, it may sound arrogant but that is what I believe. He never overtook me cleanly in the entire championship.”

The Swiss driver says he has budget problems and he may not finish the championship, but in the meantime has promised revenge on his rival: “I may well not finish the championship due to the budget and one of the last races I will do is probably Salzburg. Morbidelli will really have to be careful there. If I am around him then I will do my own private justice, because this just isn’t right. I wish I didn’t have to do this, but this is unfair. I’m not sure he will finish the races.”

Comini is now second in the championship, 14 points shy of Gianni Morbidelli, who did not respond to the Swiss driver’s comments.