Photo: TCR Europe

Franco Girolami stripped of win – Mat’o Homola declared new winner

Franco Girolami has been stripped of his victory in the second TCR Europe race of the weekend at Monza following a post-race penalty.

Main title rival team Volcano Motorsport filed a protest against the PSS Racing driver for passing Mikel Azcona under yellow flags.

The stewards upheld the protest and handed Girolami a 30-second penalty, dropping him from first to 19th.

The penalty hands the victory to Hyundai driver Mat’o Homola, with Tom Coronel in second place, Jack Young third, Azcona fourth and Felice Jelmini in fifth.

The changed results also drops Girolami further behind Azcona in the standings, now trailing the Cupra driver by 53 points instead of 10 points.