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BTCC doubles up on hybrid power for 2024

Organisers of the British Touring Car Championship have confirmed fresh revisions to the hybrid systems in place in the series ahead of the 2024 season.

Following on from changes made last year to how the amount of hybrid available to drivers was allocated in terms of usage, the decision has now been taken to double the amount of actual power offered each time a driver elects to use the system.

The decision to increase the amount of power has been taken following a Goodyear tyre test earlier this season at Snetterton in which Ash Sutton, Tom Ingram and Colin Turkington were all given the opportunity to turn laps whilst making use of the additional burst of power.

The new power levels will be made available through a combination of both hybrid and turbo boost, with drivers electing when to use the system through the same steering wheel mounted button currently in use.
“For the 2023 season we saw the first tweaks to the hybrid system, which was a positive step forward for the championship, but I have had a taste of what’s to come for 2024!” Sutton said.
“During a test at Snetterton we were able to work with TOCA to trial a few different options for next season, and we are now receiving double the power delivery, which will definitely add some spice to the racing. 
“It will be much harder to defend from as the delta between a car with and without hybrid-turbo boost will be much greater. You will see cars being able to pull alongside each other via the system and maybe even make overtakes at corners we traditionally haven’t been able to before.”

The revised system is the latest change made for 2024 after the introduction of a new qualifying system similar to that seen in IndyCar.
“With the hybrid system now proven to be extremely reliable, the time is right to further develop its overall performance,” series boss Alan Gow said.

“As we said last week with the introduction of ‘Quick Six’ qualifying, we are always looking to bring further energy to the championship and this latest development quite literally does just that.”